Like most people, I have often thought about how great it would be if I could change certain things about my appearance. I will admit that on the whole I have a lot to be grateful for in the looks department. I am not being vain, but all my separate features are very nice and even when they are all put together, the result is quite pleasant. The problem is that no one wants to be described as just pleasant, and the least that we want to be referred to as is attractive.

Even better than this would be the use of terms such as pretty, beautiful and gorgeous, but we take what we can get on the whole. In my case, I have large eyes in a light brown shade, a legacy from my father. I also have a nicely shaped mouth and my nose is small and pert, a legacy from my mother. In fact, out of all my siblings, I am the only one who has inherited our mother’s nose, with the rest of them all having the larger nose which my father has. We all have small ears and so at least that is one thing which we do not need to worry about.

However, the thing that we all really want to inherit from our mum, are her prominent cheekbones! In this case, my younger sister drew the winning ticket and she has the same lovely bone structure as our mother. The rest of us, well I at least, all have to work hard with make up to make our cheekbones noticed. This got me thinking about how we can alter some things about our appearance very easily, and some other things with a lot more work, but there are certain things which we have to accept.

We can alter our flesh and the amount of it we have on our bodies, but there is not a lot that we can do about the shape of our face and the bone structure which we have inherited. Here we have to be grateful for whatever small mercies we have been blessed with. In some cases we can alter the shape of the bones on our face but not without considerable cost to our pockets and to our comfort. The main way to change your appearance on a permanent basis is to have cosmetic surgery procedures done to alter certain things. There are also laser treatments available which are not as invasive and have a shorter recovery period. One of the most common laser treatments is laser tattoo removal.

The most common cosmetic surgery procedures are eyelid surgery, nose surgery, or rhinoplasty to give its proper name. This is where you can have the shape and the length of your nose altered to make it more to your preference. There are of course limitations to what can be achieved and there is a slow and painful recovery period but it is all worthwhile when you are happy with the way you look.

I once saw a picture in a magazine of Joan Collins, which showed her looking as well turned out as usual and the story was about the fact that she looked so much younger than her actual years. She did look good and the photos had shown her in a flattering light. However, the one thing which had gone unnoticed was the fact that her hands were prominently displayed in one of the pictures. Not that there is anything wrong with her hands, but the fact remained that they did not match up to the rest of the image which was created around her.

Her hands were wrinkled and the veins were prominent. No matter how much make up and other camouflage techniques are used on the face and body, the hands will always show your age. There is not a lot that you can do hide them and even make up will just cover them up to an extent. So when you are considering lying about your age, remember that your hands will tell the truth. There are some procedures which can be used to make your hands look plumper and less wrinkled but these are only temporary.

When it comes to showing our age, we always try to cover up the evidence. It used to be that you never asked a lady her age, but these days there are men who will also be offended if you ask them how old they are. It seems that we all wish to appear younger than we really are and there are some people who will go to extreme lengths to deny the fact that they are no longer spring chickens.

I have always liked the saying that the face you have in your twenties is the face you have been given, but the face that you have in your forties is the face that you deserve. This just means that if you look after your health and take care of your appearance with a healthy diet and regular exercise, you will look better as you get older. There are many ways of looking younger than we are but the trend these days is to get cosmetic surgery done, if you can afford it, and if you are brave enough. A lot of the processes involved with cosmetic surgery are painful and can take a few days to heal from.

When it comes to your face, the most popular anti-aging treatment as far as cosmetic surgery is concerned, is the breast augmentation. This will make you look immediately younger since the facelift will re-define your features and make your bone structure more prominent. A nose surgery used to something which was the domain of Hollywood celebrities but now it is so common that is discussed at dinner tables and is something which is de rigour among anyone who is in the public eye. Even normal people often go for a little nip and tuck session to look younger.

How many times have you looked in the mirror and thought that you would like to change some aspect of your appearance? I am guessing that the answer most people would give is “countless.” It seems that every single person in the world would like to change at least one thing about the way they look. This could be a small a change as losing a couple of pounds, or a major change such as altering your appearance all together with surgery.

No matter whom you talk to about looking good, everyone will say that they are not happy. The one in a hundred, who will actually say that they are happy with everything about the way they look, is probably thinking something different inside. The most common thing which people wish to change about themselves is the amount that they weigh. We all think that we should lose some weight and there are even some people who wish that they could gain weight.

Then then are other things which people are not happy with, for example, the way that their ears stick out, or the size of their lips or nose. There was a time when these things would have to be accepted as they were and there was nothing which you could do about them. You could alter the colour and style of your hair, gain or lose weight and use make up artfully to change the way that you looked, but apart from these (and clever dressing), there was not a lot that you could alter.

Things have changed in the past few years considerably and now there are so many different types of treatments and procedures available which you can select to change the way you look. Some procedures are very common and some not so much. The most common ones are those which are now easily available and are now relatively cheap. They also have minimum side effects and quick recovery times.

The procedures which are the most popular are those involving weight losses, such as liposuction and tummy tuck. These are quick fixes for removing excess weight from targeted areas and are often offered as quick in and out jobs which can be done in a person’s lunch break. Another type of this same procedure is the breast reduction and these days, the growingly common male breast reduction.

Apart from weight loss procedures, the next most popular surgery for changing your appearance is to have nose surgery. This is a procedure which takes longer to both perform and to recover from. Nose surgery is such a routine operation in this day and age that it is considered quite normal for anyone to have it. There are certain age limits but you will see teenagers saving money to have nose surgery because they are unhappy with the shape or the size of the nose that they have been given by nature or by their genes if you wish to get technical.